Case Results

Resisting Arrest

Practice Area: Criminal defense

Date: Apr 03, 2017

Outcome: Dismissal

Description: Client attends a college football game and is harassed by the person behind him. Client sticks up for himself, tells the other guy to knock it off. Cops descend on the scene and before my client can explain what’s going on, he has Taser prongs embedded in his ribs. Client is arrested on felony resisting arrest charges. City Attorney’s Office files misdemeanor complaint of PC § 148(a)(1). After negotiations, the offer is disturbing the peace as an infraction. Client has the guts to decline it and proceed to trial. He’s rewarded with a dismissal. Good on him – I might’ve taken the infraction. It’s a good reminder that fortune favors the bold.

Assault with Great Bodily Injury

Practice Area: Criminal defense

Date: Nov 13, 2014

Outcome: Dismissal

Description: Client was charged with pc 245 (Assault by force likely to produce great bodily injury) as a felony strike. Case dismissed at preliminary hearing on a mutual combat theory.

Attempted Murder

Practice Area: Criminal defense

Date: Feb 20, 2013

Outcome: Not Guilty on all charges

Description: U.S. Army sergeant was accused of Attempted Murder after shooting a man three times in the chest. During the trial, the jury found that the defendant used lawful self-defense against an intoxicated, aggressive, larger man who was pummeling defendant’s brother with the same weapon he eventually charged defendant with – a 2 foot section of a walking-stick.

3rd Strike Aggravated Mayhem Gang Case

Practice Area: Criminal defense

Date: Jan 29, 2016

Outcome: Hung Jury: 9-3 in favor of “Not Guilty”

Description: Client has two prior strikes and is charged with 11 more in the present case. Client acted in self-defense and in defense of his family against two aggressors. Jury deadlocks at 9 votes for not guilty, 3 votes for guilty.

DUI - Meth

Practice Area: Criminal defense

Date: Jun 27, 2014

Outcome: Dismissal

Description: This case involved allegations that the defendant drove under the influence of drugs (DUI) and possessed methamphetamine. The catch is that the police found the drugs after violating the defendant’s 4th amendment right against unlawful search and seizure. After our motion to suppress evidence was granted, the case was dismissed, and the client went home a free man.

Domestic Violence

Practice Area: Domestic Violence

Date: Aug 15, 2012

Outcome: Mistrial (Defense’s Motion)

Description: Domestic violence (felony) trial that ended on our motion for mistrial on the basis of prosecutorial misconduct. The defendant had been facing 9 years in prison, and had rejected a 3 year offer prior to trial. He walked out the front door of the courthouse after the mistrial.

Battery on a Peace Officer

Practice Area: Criminal defense

Date: May 22, 2015

Outcome: Not Guilty to Battery on a Peace Officer

Description: Client was accused of having slapped an officer in the face after failing to obey several commands. Client was found not guilty of battery on a peace officer, not guilty of simple battery, not guilty of simple assault, and received zero custody for delaying the officer.

Reckless Evading Arrest

Practice Area: Criminal defense

Date: March 20, 2014

Outcome: Not Guilty to Reckless Evading

Description: Defendant was charged with reckless evading arrest, a felony. The jury acquitted the defendant of the charge because the police officer failed to acquire his blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at the time of arrest, and therefore the jury had no idea whether the defendant was too drunk to notice the police lights and sirens during the 5.7 mile pursuit. The jury did convict on two lesser included misdemeanors which the defense did not contest.

Possession of a Firearm in Courthouse

Practice Area: Criminal defense

Date: Oct 20, 2011

Outcome: Not Guilty on all charges

Description: I worked alongside my father in this case. The defendant was charged with a misdemeanor for having a pint-sized firearm tucked away in her clutch purse as she went through security at court. We were able to convince the jury that the defendant had completely forgotten about the gun being in that purse, and therefore she lacked the requisite specific intent to be convicted.

*Past results do not constitute a prediction, warranty, or guarantee of future results. All cases are different, and no guarantee is made as to the outcome of any case.